
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Motorist drives into a church because SatNav GPS told him to-Germany

British pensioner drives into church in Germany 'because SatNav told him to'

A 76-year-old British pensioner and his wife spent the night in hospital with minor injuries after driving into the side of a church in Germany - because they were following instructions from their satellite navigation system. 

The couple were driving their Renault through southern Germany when the car's GPS system developed a fault and directed them to turn right.
However, despite there being no road, the couple turned off the country lane - and ploughed straight into a rural village church near the Austrian border.
A police spokeswoman from the nearby town of Immenstadt described the couple as 'confused', adding: 'They didn't notice that the navigation system was faulty.'
The crash saw the car written off completely - but, more significantly, cause as much as £21,500-worth of repairs to the church, including damage to the building's foundations. 
A picture also fell off the wall. 
The couple are said to have been on a driving holiday and were making their way through the Black Forest region of Germany and into France.

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